
Treatment For Diabetes Using Alternative Method Called Stem Cell

Treatment For Diabetes Using Stem Cell

Stem cell method is basically a method of treatment of diabetes which eliminates the need for insulin injections, as it has been in the know the cause of diabetes is the inability of the pancreas to produce insulin, which the insulin helps to spread glucose into cells in the bloodstream. 

When glucose is not flowing smoothly, glucose will settle in the blood stream and this is a major cause of diabetes.

While this method is the diabetes treatment using stem cells. The use of stem cells can stop the progression of diabetes, so you no longer need to give insulin injections to your body.

What is Type 1 Diabetes?

This type of diabetes happened because the body's immune system mistakenly attacks the beta cells in the pancreas that has function producing insulin. So that, the cells inside the body couldn’t absorb glucose. 

When glucose is not able to spread through the bloodstream then it will settle in the bloodstream and cause glucose levels of blood to be high. If it is increasing, it can cause organ damage, ketoacidosis, coma and may result in death.

What Are Steam Cells?

The steam cell is a cell that can convert themselves into specialized cells such as insulin that could produce beta cells in the pancreas. Additionally steam cell also has the ability in repairing body tissues and organs by dividing itself indefinitely. 

They can be derived from the extract from bone marrow, muscle, and brain. It can also be called as adult stem cells. 

The cells are taken from this area will be able to be a substitute for the cells in the pancreas that has some function in producing insulin so it can make Glucose spread and absorbed into the cells through the blood stream smoothly. This is a phenomenal way and steps that should be tried in order to treat diabetes naturally.

Main Purpose Of Stem Cell Method

The purpose of the utilization of Stem Cell is for stopping and prevent the immune system attacks the beta cells in the pancreas. Although in this way couldn’t reverse diabetes 100%.

Because this method is only for stem cell treatment of diabetes that aims to stop the degeneration of the pancreas so that it could functioning again in producing insulin. But at least, this way can reduce the risk that caused due to diabetes.

Thus, this method is less effective when applied to the long-term diabetic patients, the most suitable for implementing this method is for those who are newly in the diagnosis of diabetes, because the function of the pancreas has not been so damaged and can be fixed. 

But it does not harm when trying to use this method for long-term diabetic patients because a person's health condition is very different from each other.

The Research About Diabetes Steam Cell Treatment

A study in Brazil declared that after 1 month or more the treatment using this method, the function of the pancreas becomes back to normal. 

This study applied to patients aged between 14-31 years. The doctor uses a device to eliminate cells in the bloodstream and deliver hormones and drugs that aim to move stem cells from the bone marrow into the bloodstream. 

After 2 weeks of the treatment, patients received chemotherapy for 5 days which aims to destroy the immune system attacks the beta cells that have been in the pancreas. 

After 5 days of chemotherapy, the patient was given time to rest for one day, and after the resting for 1 day, patients subsequently had been given their own stem cells for 12 days.

It aims to create a newly immune system that does not invade or destroy the beta cells in the pancreas and make the pancreas function back to normal and be able to produce insulin. 

With the proper functioning of the pancreas to produce insulin, then it was expected for helping glucose in the bloodstream  spreading throughout the cells in the body.

The Result of This Method

From 20 patients who had been treated using this method for approximately for 1 month or more. 12 patients proven have stopped taking insulin, 2 patients no longer require insulin injections for 18 months. 

5 other patients had insulin-free for 23 months. And the only one who did not get the effect of treatment using this method, it may be due to diabetes disease already progressed for a long time. 

According to Dr. Jay Skyler, along with the Diabetes Research Institute at the University of Miami School of Medicine, even if the patient still requires insulin injections, this treatment successfully save and keep the beta cells of the destruction that caused by the body's immune system attacks.

Title: Treatment For Diabetes Using Alternative Method Called Stem Cell; Written by Unknown; Rating: 5 dari 5

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