
How To Avoid Diabetes

7 Easy Steps On How To Avoid Diabetes Effectively

Each person can suffer from diabetes, be it young or old, and most cases are most often suffered from diabetes are those who have parents who are affected by diabetes. Then how to avoid diabetes?
how to avoid diabetesActually, the easiest way is very simple, it is only by implementing a healthy lifestyle, healthy eating pattern and regular, Also Expand to consume vitamins. What should be done in order to avoid diabetes?

Following these 7 simple steps on how to avoid diabetes:

1.    Avoid Stress

Various illnesses will be easy to come including inter alia diabetes when we're under stress. Because when the body detect the signs of stress, it releases hormones that can increase your blood sugar. So my advice is Avoid the stress by doing something that made hearts and minds to be fun.

2.    Add Fiber Intake

Diabetes can be prevented by increase intake of fiber in the body because it will slow down the flow of glucose into the blood vessels, so if you want to eat something that tastes sweet, the better you eat fruits that rich of fiber such as apples or pears, etc.. Additionally multiply to consume brown rice than white rice.

3.    Expand To Consume Vitamin D

According to a study that was published in The Journal of Clinical Endocrinology & Metabolism revealing that people with high levels of vitamin D is lower risk exposed to the type 2 diabetes. Therefore, it’s recommended taking vitamin D 1,000 to 2,000 IU every day by eating fish and supplements. In order for the benefits of Vitamin D more effective to prevent diabetes, on the advice Do not get too long basking in the morning sun.

4.    Consume Omega 3

In order for sugar levels could be more controlled, it is advisable to consume omega-3 fatty acids. Because omega-3 fatty acids can help to increase the insulin sensitivity. Omega 3 itself is contained in many sardines and salmon.

5.    Add The Spices Consumption

One of a kind herb that can reduce the blood sugar levels is cinnamon. Cinnamon's powder itself is very rich in nutrients commonly referred to polyphenols, which help the performance of insulin more effective. You can mix cinnamon's powder into healthy foods or drinks that you consume.

6.    Lifting Weights Training

Lifting weights training could make your body increase the muscle mass, in that way insulin
resistance can be lowered to reduce the risk and progression of prediabetes to diabetes. From the results of a study that written in the Journal of Clinical Endocrinology & Metabolism, every additional 10 percent of muscle mass, decreased the risk of diabetes by 12 percent.

7.    Adequate Rest

Insulin resistance in your body will increase if the portion of your rest / sleep was very little, especially if you have the genetics of diabetes. From the results of research conducted by researchers from the University of Chicago told that people who have a habit of sleeping less than 6 hours a day would be greater at risk of developing diabetes, therefore it is recommended to try to sleep at least 7 to 8 hours per day.

That's 7 simple steps on how to avoid diabetes. hopefully, the above article can help you who are looking for ways to avoid diabetes or are trying to treat diabetes.

Many articles on the internet that talk about natural remedies for diabetes that you can try to prevent and cure your diabetes.
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Prevention of Diabetes

Identify Risks and The Way of Diabetes Disease Prevention

Many people are looking for ways to make the prevention of diabetes because diabetes is a very common disease and chronic that could affect people around the world. The disease is almost experienced by 70% people of the world population. Usually, people with diabetes have high blood sugar in the body that could make health complications.
prevention of diabetes
A lot of factors that cause diabetes, it could be derived from the food factor, consuming excessive sugar, unhealthy lifestyles as always frequent late nights and lack of exercise, etc.

Diabetes is also heavily influenced by the myth of cross-lineage for example if there is a grandfather who exposed to Diabetes, it  would be declined in daughter and goes to her grandchildren and so on. Diabetes was called diabetes because in the urine of patients there was indeed a sweet taste like sugar.

Diabetes is the number 4 most dangerous diseases in the world, besides HIV / Aids, Heart, and tuberculosis.

The common symptoms for diabetes sufferers are always feeling thirsty, frequent to urinate every once 1 hour, always feel hungry when just eating a few minutes ago. If the signs are not immediately prevented or at follow-up, it will cause some other diseases such as:

  1. A little bit blurred vision and over time the eye could potentially to blindness 

  2. susceptible to infection

  3. if there is the slightest wound, it would have a serious impact, for example such as broken glass or nails, then the patient would have a long time in healing and over time it will become rotten

  4. Disorders of the kidney resulting in renal failure

  5. Disorders of the nervous system that cause patients affected by sexual dysfunction.

 5 Thing above are the general effect that often occurs in diabetes sufferers, diabetes prevention should be done in order not regret it later when they are exposed to the disease of diabetes, there are several ways to prevent diabetes in order that not infect us.

Here are some tips for you to avoid diabetes that you can try, as reported Boldsky.

1.    Exercise regularly

The main factors of diabetes are increased blood sugar. This is generally due to a low metabolism, resulting in increased glucose level in the body. Therefore, be diligent to exercise increasing metabolism.

2.    Avoid the trans fats

Many studies have shown that foods containing trans fats, such as burgers and chips, contributing to diabetes. Additionally, high level trans fats in the body can cause heart problems.

3.    Avoid the refined carbohydrates

Refined carbohydrates commonly found in sweet foods, such as candy and dry cereal, which makes weight gain. Well, that's the weight gain that ultimately leads to diabetes.

4.    Foods rich in fiber

Green leafy vegetables are rich in fiber. High fiber foods can help the body to release glucose slowly, which ultimately would prevent the increase in blood glucose levels.

5.    Do not be too often drinking tea or coffee

People who drank more than 4 cups of coffee or tea a day had a risk of suffering diabetes. Therefore, keep your daily intake of tea or coffee.

6.    Gradually eating

Eating with small amounts of portion but gradually, it can prevent diabetes. Thereby, the body can manage blood sugar levels. For that, you are advised to eat small meals 5-6 times a day.

Diabetes is a terrible disease that is very difficult to be cured. Therefore it is better to prevent than cure right?

Above article is about the Risks and How to Prevent Diabetes, hopefully the above article can be useful for those of you who are doing the prevention of diabetes. But for those of you who are diagnosed with diabetes, it is better you learn some natural remedies for diabetes that has been proven to cure diabetes.

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Food For Diabetics

9 List of Healthy Foods for Diabetics

food for diabeticsEach person would need food to stay alive, because food is the source of energy for the body, but for diabetics, they can’t be arbitrary in choosing what kind of food to be eaten. This is because there are some foods that are less healthy or not suitable to be consumed for diabetics. So there are several foods for diabetics you should know.

Not only the food just that needs to consider for diabetics, but it also should be considered some drinks that contain lots of caffeine, etc. But you should not be discouraged, indeed for diabetics could not eat some foods that contain high carbohydrates, but be smart in choosing healthy foods that have lower levels of carbohydrates.

Nutrition experts recommended people diabetic had been to eat foods that are rich in healthy nutrients, such as fiber, omega 3, calcium, and vitamin D.

Here are 9 kinds of healthy foods for diabetic :

1. Walnuts

7 seeds walnuts or approximately less than 1 Ons walnuts contain 2 Gram fiber and 2,6 Gram ALA. If you're maintaining your weight, it’s better watching your intake of walnuts, because 1 Ons walnuts can provide 185 calories to your body.

2. The Peas

Fiber is one kind components of plants that make someone satisfied, it can also reduce cholesterol and stabilize the blood sugar levels. one of the plants that contain lots of fiber are peas.

Not only contain lots of fiber, peas also contain calcium, a mineral that has been proven helping burn body fat. Half a cup of peas contains about 7 grams of fiber and 100 grams of calcium, about 10% of the daily value.

3. Dark Chocolate

Dark chocolate is a type of chocolate that is rich in antioxidant flavonoids, which proven work to improve the levels of good and bad cholesterol and reduce blood pressure.

4. Processed Milk Products

Processed milk products that we often encounter is cheese and yogurt, rich in calcium and vitamin D. a research, was quoted as saying perevention sites, found that people who consume more than 1,200 mg or more of calcium and vitamin D 800 mg a day, 33% risk of suffering diabetes is lower in comparison to them who consume less both of the nutrients a  day. But, always be sure to choose dairy products that are low or free of fat.

5. Salmon Fish

Salmon has a lot of omega-3 fatty acid content, 3 ons of salmon provides content of omega-3 about 1,800 mg. Omega 3 is a type of healthy fat that works to lose weight, reduce the risk of heart disease, the inflammation and improve insulin resistance. Furthermore, salmon also contains Vitamin D which is very beneficial for diabetics.

6. Tuna Fish

This type of sea fish also contains of omega 3 fatty acids. Foods menu for diabetics is to consume roughly 3 Ons of tuna, because with 3 ounces of tuna contains 1,300 mg of omega 3 and some Vitamin D.

7. Oats or Wheat

Nutrition experts and medical practitioners had suggest diabetes sufferers and heart disease patient to consume  the oatmeal, because the oatmeal have benefit that may help maintain normal blood sugar and keeping cholesterol levels. In addition to its high fiber content, oatmeal also contains protein, magnesium, phosphorus and vitamin B1 which gives an important role in producing energy. Half a cup of instant oats contribute 4 grams of fiber.

8. Linseed

Linseed are rich in fiber and alpha-linolenic acid, which your body converts to omega-3 EPA and DHA. Several research has been found an association between increased intake and decreased incidence of heart disease, heart attack, and other cardiovascular disorders. Small seeds also could otherwise reduce cholesterol levels and blood sugar.

9. Peanut Butter

Some researches have stated that peanut butter can help reduce the risk of diabetes. The fiber content in the 2 tablespoons of peanut butter contains 2 grams of fiber, which contributed to in decreasing the risk of diabetes.

Additionally, peanut butter also contain unsaturated fats are good for the heart. However, these healthy foods diabetics are also rich in calories. Therefore, pay attention to your intake dose.

That's the 9 list of foods for diabetics are strongly recommended to reduce and help in process of the healing diabetes. Hopefully the above article useful to you.

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Type 1 Diabetes Symptoms

Know The Type 1 Diabetes Symptoms and Do Prevention Early

Type 1 diabetes Symptoms can cause serious health problems if it's handled too late. Therefore, know the symptoms of type 1 diabetes that mostly suffered by children.

Type 1 diabetes could not be separated of insulin. Insulin is a hormone produced by beta cells inside the pancreas, which serves to spread the sugar into the cells. The amount depends on the needs of blood sugar levels. Higher sugar in the blood, higher the insulin to be produced.

type 1 diabetes symptomsIn type 1 diabetes, the immune system in the body can damage the cells of the pancreas that produce insulin. This could happen because of genetic factors or an allergic reaction in the body. Without insulin, glucose levels in the blood circulation will be high because there is no control and this can cause damage to the various organs, from the heart to the nerve.

Recognizing the symptoms of diabetes type 1 in children is not always so easy because the symptoms are often getting mistaken perception and mistaken as the flu illness. In addition sometimes new symptoms appear after getting illness for a long time.

Most of Diabetes sufferers at this type are diagnosed since a young age. Generally by the time they have not been reached the age of 30 years. Hence the disease is often referred to as diabetes that began at a young age (juvenile-onset diabetes).

The White people more often affected by this disease and from the information in the United States there are approximately 700,000 people with Type 1 diabetes mellitus.

Children that affected diabetes type 1 generally have initial symptoms such as the following:

•    Frequent urination

This happens because the kidneys want to clean up the excess glucose in the blood circulation. Child will urinate more frequently and in large amounts. Bedwetting may also be one of the symptoms of diabetes, especially if the previous child is not usually bedwetting.

•    A lot of Drinking or Frequent Thirst

Children become easy to feel thirsty, because a lot of fluid expelled.

•    Often Feel Hungry

Excessive hunger is another sign of the diabetes. This occurs due to high sugar levels yet can’t get into cells to be used in the metabolic processes.

When blood sugar can’t enter the cells, the body thinks have not been getting food intake so that it sends hunger signals to get more glucose in order that the cells can function.

•    Weight Loss is Reduced

Although the child's appetite is normal but their weight tough climb, this was due to the body is no longer able to make the glucose into energy and start making muscle and fat reserves to produce energy for the cells that are hungry.

•    Tiredness Easily

Children looked tiredness as their body is unable to produce glucose for energy.

Although the exact cause of type 1 diabetes is not known but there are several factors that are known to affect the occurrence of this disease such as:

1. Heredity factors

Factors that are considered the most frequent cause of type 1 diabetes is genetic or heredity factors. The children of the parents with type 1 diabetes mellitus are more likely to having this disease compared with parents do not suffering from diabetes. Group / white skin is more often having this disease than other races.

2. The other factor

The other factors that include trigger type 1 diabetes mellitus are: viral infection, drugs / chemicals, and free radicals

If type 1 diabetes symptoms are happening to you or your family, my suggestion do early prevention is better to prevent than cure right.

You can consult with a physician or doing some natural remedies for diabetes therapy, by doing an early prevention is expected you do not affect diabetes.

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Symptoms Of Type 2 Diabetes

Know the 10 Signs & Symptoms of Type 2 Diabetes

To diagnose the symptoms of type 2 diabetes is very difficult because this type 2 diabetes illness has vague symptoms. And not everyone is aware of the symptoms of this illness.

Diabetes affects approximately 24 million people in U.S, but only 18 million people who know that they have it. About 90% of diabetics suffer from type 2 diabetes.

Diabetes is often called as a silent killer because it has vague symptoms. And the best way to make sure it is by doing a blood sugar test.
symptoms of type 2 diabetes

However, if you are experiencing symptoms such as the following, as soon as check your health to doctor or doing early prevention with natural remedies:

1. Loss of weight

Fast weight loss, this is caused by the body's blood sugar levels are too high, for example, we lose weight 5-10 kg for 2 or 3 months (but this is not a healthy weight loss)

Because insulin is not able to send glucose into cells to be used as energy, the body begins to break down protein of the muscles as an alternative energy source. The kidneys also extra work to remove excess sugar, and cause loss of calories that could harm the kidneys.

2. Frequent Urination and Excessive Thirst

Frequent awakened at night to urinate could be a symptom of diabetes. In this condition, the kidneys work very actively to get rid of the excess glucose in the blood.

Whereas excessive thirst is the body's response to fill the fluids lost due to frequent urination. Both of these symptoms go hand in hand as the body's mechanism for lowering blood sugar levels.

3. Hunger

Excessive hunger is another sign of diabetes. This occurs due to high sugar levels yet can’t get into cells to be used in the metabolic process. When blood sugar could not enter the cells, the body thinks have not been getting food intake so that it sends hunger signals to get more glucose in order that the cells can function.

4. Skin problems

Itchy skin, and dry, could be a symptom of diabetes. Another example is Acanthosis nigricans that is darkening of the skin around the neck or armpit.

People who have this condition have undergone a process of insulin resistance although their blood sugar may not be high.

5. Slow wound healing

Infections, wounds, and bruises that hadn't been healed are a classic sign of diabetes. This happens because the veins and arteries damaged by the amount of excess glucose. These conditions make blood difficult to reach areas of the body to facilitate the wound healing process.

6. Fungal Infections

Diabetes will lower the immune system in general. The body becomes susceptible to various infections, including the most common infections such as fungal (candida).
Fungi and bacteria are able to proliferate rapidly in areas rich in sugar. Especially, Women need to be aware of candida infections like vaginal discharge.

7. Fatigue and Easily Angered

People who have high blood sugar levels, will generally feel unwell. Often wake up at night to urinate, will make the body is not fresh the next day. This condition makes people become tired and easy angered.

8. Blurred vision

Blurred vision or seeing the light flashes occasional as a direct result of high blood sugar levels. High glucose is able to change the shape of the lens and the eye.

The good news is these symptoms are reversible (able to back to normal) when blood sugar levels back to normal or close. However, uncontrolled sugar levels will cause permanent damage, even blindness.

9. Numbness Or Tingling

Numbness and Tingling in the feet and hands, along with a burning pain or swelling are signs that fibril are being broken by diabetes. If left unchecked, this condition could lead to permanent neuropathy (nerve damage).

10. Blood test results

Several test methods can be used to check for diabetes type 2 symptoms, but the results of a single test is never enough to diagnose diabetes (test must be repeated).

One such test is the plasma glucose test after fasting. Tests done to check your blood sugar after an overnight (or 8 hours) did not eat. Blood glucose above 126 milligrams per deciliter (mg / dL) on two different tests would mean diabetes. The normal blood glucose is 99 mg / dL. Blood sugar level of 100 to 125 mg / dL would be considered pre-diabetes.

Knowing the symptoms of type 2 diabetes is very important, because of that we able to do early prevention before the diabetes illness becomes too severe and is very difficult to be cured.
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Treatment For Type 2 Diabetes

Some Treatments For Diabetes Type 2 That Are Proven Cure

treatment for type 2 diabetesThere are various ways you can do in finding a treatment for type 2 diabetes one of which is by way of implementing a healthy lifestyle and eating healthy foods.

Diabetes is a disease that occurs when the pancreas can’t produce insulin as it should. Approximately 7% of the U.S. population suffers from diabetes.

Type 2 diabetes is a disease that causes the body resist against insulin. Type 2 diabetes is the type with the majority of patients. And most people with type 2 diabetes are over the age of 30 years or in other words a disease that often occurs in adults and the elderly.

Some of the most common symptoms of diabetes include frequent thirst, blurred vision, excessive hunger, weight fluctuation, fatigue, and frequent urination.

Treatment of diabetes in general is by doing administering insulin or various prescription drugs for consumption, but exercise and diet also have an important role in the healing process. So you should do a combination of the two methods of treatment.

In addition, several studies have shown that there are various kinds of herbs that are proven to cure diabetes. Consuming foods such as vegetables, grains, and beans is very good for controlling blood sugar.

Avoid fast food and foods that contain a lot of sugar such as cakes, or candies. Alcohol, tobacco anԁ caffeine should also be avoided.

In addition to food, regular exercise also helps to reduce the effects of diabetes.
People who are not active or overweight have a higher risk of developing diabetes.
Weight-bearing exercise is highly recommended for people with diabetes. Increased muscle mass will increase the body's sensitivity to insulin.

Many herbal remedies that can be used by diabetics. Prickly pear cactus has shown positive results for the treatment of type 2 diabetes and has been recognized by the International Diabetes Center.

Pare also widely used in Asia, Africa and South America for many years for the treatment of diabetes.

Garlic is also able to reduce levels of sugar in addition to its use as a food seasoning. Another plant is also efficacious ginseng, dandelion, and bilberry.

Vitamin supplements are often used to assist in the treatment of diabetes. The Recommended vitamin is vitamin B6, C, and E. Zinc, selenium, vanadium and chromium also commonly used.

Diabetes includes diseases with most patients. Diabetes has serious risks but can be controlled with lifestyle changes. Ensure a balanced diet and regular exercise can minimize the risk.

Treatment can also be helped with various herbal medicines and multivitamins to support the main treatment.

Those are some simple tips that you can try to treat type 2 diabetes at home. Hopefully the above article is beneficial for you. 
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Type 1 Diabetes Cure

Learn, Avoid, and Cure Type 1 Diabetes Naturally

Before you search for type 1 diabetes cure, it is better you know what type 1 diabetes and what causes it, so you have the knowledge about this type 1 diabetes disease.

Type 1 diabetes cureUnderstanding of type 1 diabetes is often called Insulin Dependent Diabetes Mellitus or Diabetes Mellitus is dependent on insulin. Type 1 diabetes is associated with lack of function of the pancreas to produce insulin for the body. Diabetes mellitus is also directly related to the pancreas organ damage. So the pancreas does not produce insulin that can help the absorption of blood sugar levels.

Most people with type 1 diabetes this occurs in less than 30 years of age. Therefore the disease is often referred to as juvenile diabetes disease, because it affects the children and adolescents more often. Type 1 diabetes is caused by system organ pancreas does not produce enough insulin which results in the body's immune system disorder that destroys the cells that produce insulin or because of a viral infection so that the hormone insulin in the body is reduced and the resulting pile of sugar in the blood stream.

Causes of type 1 diabetes is due to the lack of function of the pancreas 

Cause of the lack of function of the pancreas include :

1. The cause is viruses or chemicals that damage the cells in the pancreas island where insulin is made. When cells island are damaged, it is possible that a person suffering from diabetes type 1.

2. The cause is heredity or genetics. If one parent is suffering from type 1 diabetes so their children will go down this disease.

3. The cause is Autominitas. Autominitas is the presence of allergy to one type of cell or tissue itself, existing in the pancreas. Loss of ability to form insulin because the body's immune system destroys the cells that make insulin.

How To Avoid Type 1 Diabetes Naturally

According to Dr. James A Timmons of Heriot-Watt University, Edinburgh. Scotland, said, the simplest way for someone to avoid the risk of diabetes is jogging or even sprinting for 30 minutes or at least 7.5 minutes every day.

Here are also some other ways to prevent type 1 diabetes naturally :

1. Stay physically active.

Diabetes can be prevented by regular exercise, not only that by exercising we can control weight and improve blood flow. If someone is genetically belong to a group with high risk factors that regular exercise is very important.

2. Eat a balanced diet, low in sugar and fat

The effect of Diabetes is a decrease in the body's ability to produce or use insulin to convert sugar into energy, so it is important to limit the consumption of carbohydrates and sugar.

3. Increase the consumption of vegetables and fresh fruits.
Research results show that bioflavonoids, dye in plants and fruits, it will stimulate insulin production and inhibit glycation or process breakdown of glucose molecules bonding with protein, which stimulates the formation of advanced glycation end products (AGE).

However, if you are diagnosed with diabetes, then here are some things you can do in order to cure type 1 diabetes :

To treat type 1 diabetes, we must add insulin every day. Usually to increase insulin insulin injections should be performed.

The other way treating diabetes is to improve the function of the pancreas. If the function of the pancreas is normal, then pancreas can produce insulin that needed by the body. So that the sugar content in the blood can flow normally and you are avoid from diabetes disease.

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